militate|militated|militates|militating in English


[mil·i·tate || 'mɪlɪteɪt]

work for or against something

Use "militate|militated|militates|militating" in a sentence

Below are sample sentences containing the word "militate|militated|militates|militating" from the English Dictionary. We can refer to these sentence patterns for sentences in case of finding sample sentences with the word "militate|militated|militates|militating", or refer to the context using the word "militate|militated|militates|militating" in the English Dictionary.

1. Her background militates against her.

2. Facts militate against this opinion.

3. 29 His underweight militated against his ever becoming a good sprinter.

4. Increased costs militate against further enlargement of the buildings.

5. The dispersal of pupils militates against the neighbourhood school.

6. Two factors may well militate against these benefits.

7. All this did not militate our success.

8. The marked liquorice aftertaste militates against its use as a sweetener.

9. Environmental factors militate against building the power station in this area.

10. The high risks involved in such a business venture militate against finding backers.

11. These fundamental dissimilarities will surely militate against the two communities coming together.

12. Several factors combined to militate against the success of our plan.

13. It militates against everything that the United Nations Charter and its principles stand for

14. Rather, it is an examination of constraints which militate for or against plural reference.

15. These fundamental dissimilarities will surely militate against the two communities coming together.

16. The invisible powers of heaven seemed to militate on the side of the pious emperor.

17. We can never promise to sail anywhere in particular, because the weather might militate against it.

18. However, shortage of physiotherapy and other services, together with rapid hospital discharge, militates against such results being achieved.

19. The two approaches are not mutually exclusive, though efficiency does tend to militate against combinations.

20. 22 We can never promise to sail anywhere in particular, because the weather might militate against it.

21. This would certainly militate against good bonding between the resin matrix and the glass.

22. Even the humdrum tasks are varied enough to militate against a sense of monotony.

23. These provisions are likely to militate against repeat applications and unduly long orders except where strictly necessary.

24. This traditional organisation characterised by individualistic, vertical clienteles militates strongly against the horizontal group-formation typical of modern politics.

25. The problem with this Cheerful notion is that circumstances militate against nature in the big city